Monday, May 16, 2011


I think I'm a horrible friend. I don't know if it's my paranoid alter ego that's injecting these thoughts into my mind. :(

My alter ego says:
I tend to push my friends aside whenever I'm caught up doing something. Like playing an online game or whatever.

I'm not the type who call/chat/text all the time. Unless you're my boyfriend. Maybe I'm too much of an introvert. Or I just need to learn how to trust people sometimes and forget about being judged. Honestly, I'm the type who cares a hell lot about what other people think about me. It's unhealthy, probably, but yeah. If you're thinking "then why are you still so fat if you care about what other ppl think" then fuck off pls.

I'm VERY uncomfortable with awkward silences. That moment when there's only me and one other friend, neither one of us know what to say.. Yeah, no thanks. Either we have nothing to say or the other person is going on and on about something I can't relate to. Thus, me ending up being silent. And awkward. Not good.

Not caring vs. Trying not to be nosy. I've (almost) never asked about my friends' love lives, or serious problems like family matters, etc. I wait for people to come and tell me their stuff instead of me asking them, cuz I just don't like to be the nosy type. But at the same time, deep down inside me, I'M DYING TO KNOW. Eh, every girl has a kaypoh bone in her. So *hint hint* it's not that I don't bother okay, I'm just too paiseh. :| Next time just openly tell me lah. I'd love to listen when you people gush over boys/girls. :P

Solitude? Maybe sometimes I just like being alone.

Okay I think I've put myself down enough already. .__. I'm sorry if I've been a terrible friend. Really.

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