Saturday, June 4, 2011

Old couples.

I really respect old couples. I mean the loving ones. It's amazing how they've been with each other for so long, and yet still so loving. Waking up beside each other every morning, feeling blessed that they've gone through life thus far. Counting down the days that they have left to spend together. Wishing the day that either one of them leaves, to not come so soon. Reminiscing and talking about the times they've had together. Their first date, the proposal, the wedding day, birth of their firstborn.

I respect them because I think nowadays, the typical old Asian couples aren't like that. Well, at least the couples around me aren't.

An example, my grandparents. They've stopped showing love ever since this issue about money happened, when my mom was still a child. Since then my grandmother stopped trusting my grandfather. I hate how money is almost always the cause of arguments. But oh well, like they say, money is the root of all evil.

Isn't love about forgiveness? I don't understand how my grandmother can be so cold towards him, even when he was dying. When he was still healthy, they'd either argue or not talk at all. It got worse when he got ill, because he couldn't argue back. Everyday I'd hear my grandmother shouting at him. And my grandpa who suffered stroke, just sat there, defenseless.

When his condition got worse, my mom asked my grandmother to sleep with him at night, to supervise him or help him up when he needs to go to the toilet or something. She was SO reluctant and she even asked for my mom to buy an extra bed (note that he already had a queen sized bed) if she really has to take care of him.

But why? He's her husband. He used to be the one she slept next to. He was the one she fell in love with, the one she's married to, the one she had kids with. I just didn't understand.

Perhaps love faded. They changed. After so long living together, they got tired.

Another example, my aunt and uncle. My aunt would always scold my uncle for the littlest mistakes he had done. She'd even do it in public. Sometimes she'd do it in such a manner that even I'd cringe. Has she lost respect for him? To even humiliate him like that in front of the younger ones. What will their grandchildren think of their grandpa?

To me, it is not a cowardly act to just keep quiet and refrain from arguing back when my aunt scolds him like that. I think it's just an act of love. Tolerance. Because he knows that things will only go from bad to worse if he argues back. He'd rather take it all in, and suffer alone.

I just don't get it. Shouldn't older couples appreciate each other instead of taking things for granted like that? Shouldn't they show more love instead of showing less? Shouldn't they cherish the remaining days they have left as a couple?

Will they regret when it's all too late?

Maybe it's an Asian thing. To not express love and care like the westerners do. Even children (like me) are too shy/embarrassed to go up to their parents and say 'I love you'. It's the culture I guess. Which isn't a good thing, IMO.

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